Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a week!

I hope that many of you had a more relaxing spring break then we did.

  1. I had a hernia surgery. I know, what 30 year old female has to have a hernia repaired! I guess I was born with it and after childbirth and all the lifting of a baby and baby stuff all the time it made it appear. So, I have at least a month of lifting restrictions.

  2. To top it off, Shawn was trying to be a good husband and take care of me by ordering dinner from the Depot in Dresden and we ended up having food poisoning. For 6 straight hours!! This was 10X worse then the flu. I did not get to spend Easter with my family. Thank God for my family. Kayla came to the house and got Gavin and he spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Aubrey hasn't been able to come home to get her Easter basket yet!

  3. With the help of my sister, Kayla, I did manage to have enough energy to take pictures of Gavin Easter morning before he left.

  4. I am now counting down the days until summer. I am hoping it will be a lot more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Weather is too nice for you to be inside sick. Enjoy the last few weeks of school....then summer vacation....yeah!