Monday, May 24, 2010

Water table

Was Sunday beautiful or what? I am now official ready for my summer vacation! Only 4 more days of school and I get to stay home with my baby and enjoy watching him grow bigger and bigger. My job as a teacher might not pay a whole lot, and their are times where my patience are warn so thin I second guess my profession, but it is all worth it come June! Ahhhhh, I LOVE SUMMER!
Here is Gavin with his new water table that my friend Diane got him for his birthday. When he first started playing in it he was splashing up a storm. He looked at me, like "Mom, I can't believe you are letting me do this". By the end of the experience he was naked and sitting in the water table. He's so funny :)

1 comment:

Rachel B said...

How fun! I can't believe how BIG he is already!