Friday, November 20, 2009

Moving up

Sooooo, this carrying Gavin around in his carrier still is getting heavy. He's getting too big, and when he puts a coat on I can hardly get his little arms in the straps. I think we are both more then ready to move up to a convertible car seat. Before I go make this purchase I wanted to ask my expert bloggers for their advice. What brand? How much? What is important and convenient? Some are very big and padded. Is it necessary?


bethloomis said...

the only advice i got from sandy was to make sure the sides come up high so when they fall asleep, they have something to rest their heads on. great advice.

bethloomis said...

the only advice i got from sandy was to make sure the sides come up high so when they fall asleep, they have something to rest their heads on. great advice.

Doug, Christy, Ella and Lucy said...

hey! I think this is the one we have
Evenflo Triumph

The sides do come up high like Beth said. This one has went through both girls. They like it. We put a towel underneath it to tilt it a little bit .